Everything You Need to Start Your Own LLC
Once you've determined that an LLC is right for you, then there are seven steps to forming and operating your LLC in Utah. However, before we get to those seven steps, let's have a quick refresher on what is an LLC and what are its benefits.
What is a limited liability company?
A limited liability company is a hybrid business entity, having characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership. Like a corporation, an LLC is a legal entity separate from its owners, thereby shielding its owners from any liability the LLC may incur. However, like a partnership, the LLC is managed without the formalities of corporation and without being tax separately as an LLC.
What are the benefits of an LLC?
A limited liability company is perhaps the most popular entity choice of new entrepreneurs because of the many benefits it provides. The most important being the limited liability it provides to all of the owners. This liability protection is also found with a corporation, however, an LLC is not required to hold annual meetings or comply with the many operational restrictions imposed upon corporations.
This liability protection is similar to a limited partnership, however, unlike a limited partnership, a member of an LLC will not lose the protection of limited liability by participating in the management of the LLC. Thus, business owners who want total control and management of their business, while enjoying limited liability, should choose to form an LLC.
Lastly, an LLC has its own tax benefits. For tax purposes income is only taxed once, i.e., earnings of the LLC are treated as the earnings of its owners and thus no separate tax is imposed on the LLC.
How do I form an LLC in Utah?
Starting your own LLC can be a straightforward process. However, the State of Utah has some specific LLC requirements that are unique to the state. The following steps will help you form your own LLC:
Decide on a name for your business. You can choose any name for your LLC as long as it is not already taken and ends with “Limited Liability Company,” “Limited Company” or any variation of its abbreviation—e.g., LLC, L.L.C., LC or L.C.
Assign an agent for service of process. This can be yourself or a registered agent such as Cutler Riley Law.
Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This is needed for tax purposes and to open a bank account.
Registration. You must file Articles of Organization with the Utah Division of Corporations.
Fees. There is a non-refundable filing fee for Articles of Organization.
Create an operating agreement. Although it is not required to have a limited liability company operating agreement in Utah, it is recommended to have one, especially if there is more than one owner of the LLC. The operating agreement is recognized by the State of Utah as the LLC's governing document.
Renew your LLC every year. Your LLC must be renewed each year on or before the anniversary date of the formation of the LLC. The renewals are done online with the Utah Division of Corporations. There is a small filing fee.
How much does it cost to form an LLC in Utah?
Currently the filing fee with the Utah Division of Corporations is $54.00. If you were to do everything yourself (register your business name, act as the agent for service of process, get your EIN number, and draft your own operating agreement) this would be your only cost - besides the time it would take you to learn and do all of the above. However, if you would prefer an experienced business attorney to take care of this for you, you can hire a local business attorney.
At Cutler | Riley Law, we can form your LLC from starting at $300 for single owner LLCs, plus the filing fee. For your initial complimentary consultation, please book your free consultation below.